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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mysterious of Ramayana

Mysteries from Rig Veda and Yoga Vashistha which mention of 4 Oceans and 4 Seas along with references to Dasratha ruling the whole earth.
In Peru, they worshipped or worship Ram Sitva festival as per Sir William Jones. Words likes Coricancha in Peru mean the same as in Sanskrit. The Trident mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana as a landmark matches the Nazca Lines, which in Sanskrit means maps (aerial).
In Honduras (हिन्दु राष (ट्र) ) Hanuman pose like Monkey Statue found.
Hittites names were all Ramayanic. Black Sea in Russian is कृष्ण ओदर.
East of Greece was called Levant (लव अन्त) and south of Egypt Kush (कुश).

Summit - समित and Committee - समिति

समित - sam it - come together, met, completed, finished - all agreeing with the concept of “summit”.
“Committee” is “समिति” or “samiti” in Sanskrit and Hindi and “C” is both pronounced as “k” or “s (i)”.

vivid and survey - विविध and सर्वेक्षण

विविध = vivid
सर्वेक्षण = survey

Deodorant comes from देवदारु or देवदार

The word Deodorant has come from देवदारु or देवदार found in Himalayas and as Cedar.

On the tree..
The inner wood is aromatic and used to make incense. Inner wood is distilled into essential oil. As insects avoid this tree, the essential oil is used as insect repellent on the feet of horses, cattle and camels. It also has antifungal properties and has some potential for control of fungal deterioration of spices during storage.[citation needed] The outer bark and stem are astringent.[16]

Close up of leaves.
Because of its antifungal and insect repellent properties, rooms made of deodar cedar wood are used to store meat and food grains like oats and wheat in Shimla, Kullu, and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh.

Cedar oil is often used for its aromatic properties, especially in aromatherapy. It has a characteristic woody odor which may change somewhat in the course of drying out. The crude oils are often yellowish or darker in color. Its applications cover soap perfumes, household sprays, floor polishes and insecticides and is also used in microscope work as a clearing oil.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The word "Arya" or Aryan supports Proto Indo European and Out of India Theory

Who are Aryas or aryas? These people are called Noble man. But all the meanings below will qualify them even as War Lords, Chieftan, Movers and Shakers, Killers (of Enemies in the path of Truth), and even those who moved or expanded to other Nations like Europe, Middle East, Crete, Far East, and even Americas.
This is also supported by the word Bharat with root bhR as expansion. Please see my post on Bharat.
अर्य [ऋ-यत्]
— 1 Excellent, best.
— 2 Respectable.
— 3 Attached, true, devoted.
— 4 Dear, kind.
a. [ऋ-ण्यत्]
— 1 Āryan.
— 2 Worthy of an Ārya.
— 3 Worthy, venerable, respectable, honourable, noble, high
— 4 Noble, fine, excellent.
— -र्यः 1 N. of the Hindu and Iranian people, as distinguished from अनार्य, दस्यु and दासः विजानीह्यार्याव्ये च दरयवः Rv. 1. 51. 8.
— 2 A man who is faithful to the religion and laws of his country; कर्तव्यमाचरन् कार्यमकर्तव्यमनाचरन् । तिष्ठति प्रकृताचारे स वा आर्य इति स्मृतः ॥.
— 3 N. of the first three castes (as opp. to शूद्र).
— 4 A respectable or honourable man, esteemed person; वृत्तेन हि भवत्यार्यो न धनेन न विद्यया Mb.
— 5 A man of noble birth.
— 6 A man of noble character.
— 7 A master, owner.
— 8 A preceptor.
— 9 A friend.
— 10 A Vaiśya.
— 11 A father-in-law (as in आर्यपुंत्र).
— 12 A Buddha.
— 13 (With the Buddhists) A man who has thought on the four chief principles of Buddhism and lives according to them.
— 14 A son of Manu Sāvarṇa.

An interjection of(1) calling; (2) ridicule; (3) censure or abuse; (4) used at the beginning of a sentence.
— 1 To go, move; अंभश्छायामच्छामृच्छति Śi. 4. 44.
— 2 To rise, tend towards
II. (Mostly used in the Veda)
— 1 To go.
— 2 To move, shake.
— 3 To obtain, gain, acquire, reach, meet with.
— 4 To move, excite, raise (as voice, words &c.) वाचमियर्ति.
— 5 To display.
— 1 To injure, hurt.
— 2 To attack.
— 1 To throw, cast, fling; fix or implant in; हृदि शल्यमर्पितं R. 8. 87.
— 2 To put or place on, fix upon, direct or cast towards (as the eye &c.)
— 3 To place in, insert, give, set or place;
— 4 To hand or make over, give to, give in charge of, consign, deliver
— 5 To give up, sacrifice
— 6 To give back, restore
— 7 To pierce through, perforate, penetrate.

The word "Bharat" supports Out of India Proto Indo Europeans

The word "bharat ah" itself supports the Out of India Theory and settlement for Aryans in Middle East, Europe, Americas and North Africa. One meaning is that which is expanding and shining at physical, intellect and spiritual levels. The DNA, Linguistics and Archealogical studies support this. Many great Western Minds, Philosophers, etc., have spiked the same against the usual biases against Vedic folks.
The root “BhR” is that expands. 🙏 It can be taken as “bhar” or “bhaar”. “bhaa rat ah” which is “light, wealth and nominative suffix”. “It can be crudely said “bhaara ta” to make into a present participle from root. But we can’t explain why “a” is added to “r”. “bhar a” means fill up and “bhaar a” means to bear up. So it could be said “bhaar a tah” can be something that has “bear ness” like a fertile land or mother. Now anything expanding has light and does bear all creations like mother."

hari - हरि - and ghRS - घृष्

hari - हरि - name of two horses, which are symbolic of Sun as a charioteer riding on two horses and two versions of light and in hurry. Horses are known for power and speed. The word hurry is connected with horses. The two versions of light are Electric and Magnetic Fields that drive each other. The two horses drive each others like Electric and Magnetic Fields driving each other.
ghRS - घृष् - to rub against, to polish - In old days grass was used by humans and animals to rub their skins when itching. We can still see animals doing it.