The Picture That Says All
Pictures From Stephan Knapp Site
The founding of Rome is ascribed to brothers Remus and Ramulus--which are latter-day variations of the Hindu name Rama.
Latins are Greeks' cousins, as Greeks' are Persian's Cousin, and as Persians are Indians' cousins (and one can further keep dividing everyone with regional variations but the same theme would run parallel) shows what the posting tries to explain.
Like Ram is called Dashrati, because his father's name is Dashrat, Krishna is called Vasudeva(h) because his father's name is Vasudev, Krishna's Radha is also called KrishNe, and Arjun's wife, and Krishn(a)'s Follower (Arjun's Wife) is called Draaupadii - daughter of Dru-pad - as well Krishnaa - double 'i' and 'a' make it big "A" and "I" sounds with double duration of the syllables, indicating the Feminine form. This denotes the well known rule in Sanskrit where the relations are called my grading the last, and sometimes the first syllables' vowels to next grades, and sometimes the last vowel sound is inflected to show genitive cases, symbolizing 'of' relationships.
So the word Remus is Ramus or Ramu(ah) and Ramulus is Ramulu(ah), where both are Genitive Singular cases of the word "Ram-R(i)", where "R(i)" is Cerebral "R(i)" denoting generic case like the roots of for the word Father is "PitR(i)" and the root for the Mother is "MitR(i)", and their Genitive Cases (Possesive Case showing 'of' relationship) is Mit-u-ah or Mit-u-aS and Pit-u-ah or Pit-u-aS, where 'S' is Cereberal sound but the Singular ones are "Maata" and "Pitaa". So the Singular of "RamR(i)" is "Raama", which is the one who is the Agent Noun of the Verb root "to delight in Oneself", "to relish in Oneself", one who sees "Everyone in Him, and Him in Everyone" or "Everyone in himself" and "Himself in Everyone". The "l" comes from making that Adjective first and then making it an Agent Noun, and then following the same set of rules. How else one would name Twins as Singular Genitive showing relationship with "Raam" their Father. Perhaps it shows one being more like the Father or the elder one who has claim to the throne!
Now strangely the Indian version of Names is "Lav" and "Kush" and the Italian version shows these people were brought up in a cave by some wolf, basically not their father and their mother. Since the story of Ram is so ancient, it is basically either 28000 years or 280,000, years old, and many times people are named after the historical characters, that often the fact is hard to seperate from the fiction!
If we want to be fair to both children, one would use "l" for one, and "k" for the second one, as suffix for Adjectives to the root "Raam", to become "Raam-L-R(i)" and "Raam-K-R(i)", with Geentive Cases being "Raam-L-R-u-ah(S)" or "Raam-K-Ru-ah(S)". When one considers the "ah" sound as adding "a" sound - since it is so ancient - we will get "Raam-L-R-u-a" which becomes 'Raam-L-R-v-a", and for "Raam-K-R-u-ah" is same as "Raam-K-R-u-S". Now there is some rule where "Ri" sound get modifed as "ir", "ur" sounds, and sometimes "R" is dropped. So one can see the names becoming "Raam-L-av" and "Raam-k-uS", where "S' is a Labial Sibiliant, and in short it would become "Lav", and "KuS"! Some folks would laugh ath ana gramming business, but ones who know the Sanskrit Euphonics rules, and know how some sounds evolved, would know that this is not that far fetched, considering the story to be so ancient!!
Background Postings:
Similarities in Christ and Krishna Stories
Dec 25 History
Romania and Armenia
Phallus, Phallic, Omphallos Business
In The Name Of The Truth And Only The Truth
English: Ram, Rome, Romania, Romance, Drama, Romulus, Remus, & Gypsy - Sanskrit: Rama, Ram, Romaka, Roman-chit & Dom
Sanskrit-iz-ed Words with Simple and Compound Siblants
Forbidden Archealogy - By Richard Thompson & Michael A. Cremo
Shiva in Europe
Ruther Ford, Ruther Cross - Rudra
The Fading Ancient's Message To Us
Newton Stone, Brahmi Script And Swastika
GnosticsNag Hamadi
India in Greece
Following pages in the book have references to Black Christ and Christna.
Anacalypsis Page 159-160
Anacalypsis Page 167
Anacalypsis Page 167
Anacalypsis Page 173
Anacalypsis Page 181
Anacalypsis Page 313
Anacalypsis Page 175
Anacalypsis Page 305
Anacalypsis Page 306
Anacalypsis Page 425
Dec 22 or 23 is the Coldest and Darkest Day of for the people of above the Equator, and the Sun was always equated with the Father Principle, or the Male Principle, and the Hindu Gods Ram and Krishna were considered the incarnation of the Sun, as were in other parts of the word, that went by the names Hercules, Horus, Mitra, Chorus, etc. So on the day of the Winter Solstice in December, the Sun starts is northbound journey, promising rejuvenation and rebirth of life, and of Light and Peace, and of Love and Happiness.
Even today, the educated ones from different countries, with different accents and hearing culturally intoned and trained sub-consciously, would spell the same sounds differently. One does not have to go that far but look at the spelling differences between the US English and the UK English!
The letters "K", "Q", "Ch", and "C" are often used for the same sound associated with the words mentioned here.
Many Britishers would spell Indian Krishna as Christna. The Indian Krishnan can be easily spelled as Christian by folks, as they skip registering some subtle sounds, which is found true. Just see how 50 plus letters of Sanskrit got approximated with less and less letters in Greek, Latin and English!
Now scholars are questioning the stories woven by the early Roman Church and the politics behind the mixing of the State and the Religion, which has brought us the terrors in the name of religion. Check Hamadi Papers, and read on Gnostics and Gymnospophists which are believed to be the followers of Budhism/Jainists. Some have even gone to the extent of questioning Historical Christ, and have said that the Roman Church has wowen stories besides him to push for its agenda, which was nothing to do with Religion or Spiritualism, but a tool to expand the Roman Empire.
One thing we can be sure that there was a person called Christ, like the way we have so many Krishnans, Ramans and Mohammads, named after some historical figure! And also sure this person was a great Saint, Spiritualist, Healer, Leader and what not, who did not forsee that in his name the atrocities would be carried on in the Europe, Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. against the natives of the land.
In Sanskrit, the full-moon anniversary is called "Chandraa-Maasi", which is the anniversary of the moon, or the birth of the full moon. So the anniversary of Krishna or Christna would be spelled as ChristNa-Maasi, and people having difficulty pronouncing the Cerebral 'N' associated with the word would skip the sound - like the fast Indian Speakers do not stress the last syllables and whereas Americans have the habit of doing so, and hence when an Indian Speaker speaks to an American Speaker, they have difficulty following them. One example is "Running" becomes "Runni'" where the sound "ing" is skipped but it is the Sanskrit Guttaral "Ng" sound and approximated with the letters "ing", and one can confirm this with reading some Sanskrit book with translation in English and use of the English Transliteration, with sound guides. So Isha Masi would mean the Reicarnation of God or the Lord which we all desire very much. Isha means to desire, and the noun would also be Isha, and Masi hear would mean the Reincarnation, the Rebirth.
It is a well known fact that that December 25 was the festival of the Pagans - a derogatory word used to hint at the statue and image worshipers by the Roman Church, and also the urban people in Rome were first to convert, and the rural people showed stubbornness to convert and were often thought to be "backward" and "unsophisticated". Is it not true that the Rural people are more loyal to their ancestor's Religion and its way of living, and one can see this proof in the North Western Pakistan, where the illiterates who do not know their own history, and only have a collective conscious memory of recent times from the Mogul Empire, refuse to go with the flow of the modern times, or even reconcile to the fact that their ancestors were also same as Hindus? This is why the correct Education is important as well as true imparting of History lessons need to be imparted - which rises beyond Politics, Nationality, Race and Religion, as the mixing of these things is always on the flux of change!
When the Christians were banned by the pre 300 AD Roman State, and being persecuted, the secret societies of the early Christians would take this occasion when the so called "Pagans" worshiping their Pagan God's Birthday, they would celebrate the day for their Lord. Later Roman Church, post 300 AD made this as a Christmas Day!!
Now there is mention in Anacalypsis that the site of Roman Churches show Black Christ, and some places, the statue of the Christ is believed to be painted with white! Another interesting fact is that like Baby Krishna is depicted sitting on the lap of his mother, the same way Baby Christ is shown sitting on the lap of his mother!
Vaishavnism - the sign of 'V' who are followers of Vishnu, Raam, and Krishna's worshipping.
These pictures tell the same story.
An Arab woman wearing the Hindu vermilion mark on her forehead in ancient times when the world practiced Hinduism. (Published in the Bible Dictionary (appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee) and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar. [ Long missing links, or, The Marvellous Discoveries about the Aryans, Jesus Christ and Allah" by Vaduvur K Duraiswami Ayyangar, Publisher: Oriental Home University, 1931])
A Roman superior wearing the Hindu dhoti, chappals (sandals) and Hindu marks on his neck and forehead--reminding one of the times when Europe practiced Hinduism. (Published in "History of Rome" page 300 by Smith and "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
The Hindu architect of the pyramids looking at an unfolded architectural scroll. He is wearing Hindu marks on his body. This should underline the need to reconstruct the worldwide sway of Hinduism in ancient times currently wiped out of all history. (Published in Egyptian Myth and Legends page 368 and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Hindu administrations, the Sanskrit language, Hindu culture and the Hindu medical system--Ayurved, held sway throughout the ancient world. Monarchs then used to attend court bare-bodied with sacred ash and colour marks on their bodies. This is an Hindu Egyptian monarch of those times. [The 'V' mark is called tilok, and is shown being worn by this Egyptian in the same style that it is still worn by Vaishnavas today in India, on the forehead, arms, neck, chest and belly, representing that one is a worshiper of Lord Krishna or Vishnu.] (Published on page 38 of the Bible Dictionary {appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee} and on page 185 of "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Roman consul wearing the Hindu forehead mark indicating that in ancient times Romans were Hindus. Roman emperors also sported the title 'Dev' as the termination of their names in the Hindu royal style. [The 'V' mark is called tilok, and is worn on the forehead to represent that one is a Vaishnava, a worshiper of Lord Krishna or Vishnu.] (Published in "History of Rome" page 237 by Smith and in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Bulls were worshiped in ancient Hindu Egypt as they are still worshiped in Hindu India. The earliest explorers of Europe and Africa were Hindus. The river 'Nile' bears the Sanskrit name indicating her blue waters. (Published in "Egyptian Myth and Legend" page 70 and "Long Missing Links" page 233.)
When Indian Soldiers returned from Egypt, after the World War I, they reported seeing Krishna's statues and his temples all over the country sites in Northern Africa. This was reported in Asiatic Researches. Then there was an intense debate about similarities between Christ and Krishna and if the Hindu's have copied from the Christians' the Krishna story - but only saved by the statues of Krishna in Elephanta and Ajanta caves, and the Greek Empire's erected Pillars in India and Afghanistan which mentioned the Historical Krishna, both predating Christian History.
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