The English "Z" is actually meant to be the Palatal "Sh", and "X" is supposed to be Compound Sibiliant "kSh". There is hardly a difference in sound between "Z", "J" and sometimes "G". This is the problem when a language of 26 letters tries to cope up with the letters of 50 plus, with infinite permutations and combinations for compound letters.
Zardaari - Sardaari - Chiefton, Leader or Jamiin Daar, basically a Feudal Landlord. President of Pakistaan is that Zardaari, as he comes from the Feudal Lordship or JaminnDaari Family before Pakistaan was formed. This also is confirmed by the fact that he has a lot of land from family inheritance.
Zorastrian - Surya-RaaSTra-yan - or Su-RaShTtra-yan (Surashtra) - Good Country or Country where Suryas stay - the Sun Worshippers. Syrian and Assyrian countries were named after the same basis. The state of Gujurat was called "Su-RaaShTra", or "Surya-RaaShTrya". The uninitiated speaker can skip saying the semi vowels "y", like "r". The sea between Gujraat and Iran was either not there in the ancient times or very shallow. Have you ever wondered why people of Iraan and Gujraat share so much of their good looks?
Kushan - kShaan - kShuNNa - With the "Shindu" to "Hindu" rule, now we can see how the word "Khaan" has come. The Khans are people of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Tachuria, and descendents of Genghis Khan. The "kShuNNa" means "defeated", "crushed", "trampled", "pounded". It is strange the this race of people are meant to be defeated in the great Indian epic, Mahaa Bhaarat, where the Kaurava Queen, Ghandhaari was from the Kingdom of Ghandhaar, the modern city Kandhaar, and perhaps shows her father and brother had kingdoms connected with Uzbekistaan and Tachuria.
Indian Jain Sect are basically "jNaaNi" Sect, pre dates 500 BC and there are talks of many Buddhas and Mahaviras - the Enlightened Ones and the Great Ones!
In Sanskrit, the sound for the compound letter "jN", where "N" is Palatal Nasal, and "j" is Palatal Soft Aspirate. So the word for 'knowing' in Sanskrit is "jNaan" which gets corrupted into Hindi as "jaan". The Instrumental Form would be "jNen", and in Hindi it would be "Jaan". So one can see what the word 'Jain meant", which was the English Folks hearing it as they heard with their cultural hearing and speaking intonations. So one can see how a Panjaab Singh becomes a Clowning Sing, and his land becomes Poonjab! The same sound is approximated sometimes by 'g", "gy" and "gNy"
As Vedas were progressing through succession of Brahmanas, Aryankas, Upnishads to Puranic stages, the Vedic Period stressed on "Fire Sacrifices" for return of "Goods from Gods For Enjoyment". This later developed into Vedanta with the philosophy of the "Brahman being Everywhere", which I also call the First Principle, Mother of All Principles and Laws.
The Jains would predate between this period who pursued the path of the quest for the Truth, and wanted Enlightenment, were called "jNen", and the Indian President, Gyaani Zail Singh, was being addressed as "gNaanii", the learned - because he had gone through some Religious Learning.
Gymnosophists and Gnostics are the same. Greeks called Indian Saints following the Jain Path, and they roamed naked as per one of their divisions. Gnostics were in Egypt who converted to Christianity but had traditions like Yoga, Ashrams, and common beliefs as Hindos. They were also followers of the Teachings of Christ but were persecuted by the Roman Church. Check the Nag Hamadi Papers.
'Petra' is corruption of the Sanskrit root "pitR(i)", where "R" is Cereberal "Ri" Vowel, and the basis for "R" as Semi Vowel. Kaaba and Kaaba-ala mean the same, the Father Principle, the Lingam Principle (and perhaps the Yoni Principle as 360 Statues were found in circle when Saint Mohammad raided the Kaaba) temple. The rock is same as lingam. So 'Petra' is basically the word for Father, and it comfirms that the temple of Petra, was from ancient times, a Father or Male Principle place of worship, and it is also confirmed by the pictures of the place having Shiva Lingam and Yoni objects, where the Lingam is clearly shown to be chopped out.
Dhenu Data - is the "Ever Yielding Mother", and it is sometimes corruped as "Daan Danda", which is the counter part of the Mother Principle Worship, and means the "Ever Giving Father.
"Præter hæc tria numera non est alia magnitudo, quod tria sunt omnia, et ter undecunque, ut pythagorici dicunt; omne et omnia tribus determinata sunt."--ARISTOTLE. (Quoted by Ostrowski, page 24 of his Mathèse.)
Ostrowski has seen this clearly. "The passage of 3 in 4 corresponds to that of the Trimurti in Maïa, and as the latter opens the second ternary of the pregenesetic decade, so the figure 4 opens that of the second ternary of our genesetic decimal."-- Mathèse, p. 25.
Rosenroth intended to make a Latin translation of the Zohar and the Tiḳḳunim, and he published as preliminary studies the first two volumes of his Kabbala Denudata, sive Doctrina Hebræorum Transcendentalis et Metaphysica Atque Theologia (Sulzbach, 1677-78).
I have not researched this topic but I have read in Anacalypsis and some other places, that Aristole, Plato, Socrates all visited countries of learning, in Egypt, Babylon, Persia and India.
I hope the Extremist people from Islam, those fighting the Jihads which now-a-days the Western Civilization and the rest of the World including India calls it Terrorism --- but they woke up much late as it has gone for eons by all neo religions of the AD, especially the zealots from the Neo Christian Roman Empire and the Neo Islamic Invaders but for the later case it has gone on for almost a millennium in the subcontinent of India and Asia, and now sometimes the old peaceful Religions like the Hindus have upcoming Extremists in Orissa and Gujarat states of India, showing the same intolerance towards the minorities in India --- and esspecially the Middle Eastern and Pakistan Muslims Extremists will take a note of this article, to understand that they share a much of the same in heritage and ancestry, with that of the Indians, Pakistanis, Persians, Afganistanis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Syrians, Assyrians, Lebananese and so on.
Note Trimurti is the Indian Trinity, and is the basis of Gymnosophists, Jewish, and Christinity, and even Islam on the ideas of God - basically explaining the First Principle with Numbers and Genesis of the World, and the Word of Ideas which lead to the World. This is part of the Tetragammation. When one visits the British and Indian Museum and see the Idols of Brahama or Shiva Lingams, they would see 4 faces but later on it became 3 faces.
The four in one modeling is for Om-ni-directional being the aspect of the God Principle. This reflects the God Principle being beyond the 4 Dimensional Space and Time Universe. Modern Physics, Cosmology and Quantum Physics have finally come to the same conclusion.
Brhaman (singular Brahama) is the Super Soul and the Aatmaa (Aatman) is the Individual Soul but part and parcel of the same - like the wave in the ocean. That is the First or the Unity Principle.
The Second Principle is called the Maaya Principle or the Mother Maaya Principe, which has become Maia, which is the Illusion Principle, which pervades the 4D Space and Time Universe and its creation. This again has been confirmed by Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics that the whole Reality is Unreal!
In other philosphies of India, like Shiva-Shakti, the Shiva Principle is the Brahman Principle and Shakti Principle is the Maaya or the Mother Principle - because Illusion is the mother of all basis of existence!
The other names are "Purusha" and "Prakritti", the Male and Female Principle, which is same as Shiva and Shakti Principle, and that basis is worshiped as Shiva Lingam and Yoni, and this basis of worship was as all over the world, from Japan, Easter Islands, Far East, India, Persia, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Greece, Rome to America and Europe (some proof is already presented in the Blog but other proofs will come eventually).
Note that there are words like "Sive" in Latin, which is "Shive" or "Shiva", "Omnia" which is "Om" and has the same meaning, and Denudata is Dhenu - Datta, which is the Female Kaam Dhenu myth of the Hindu Lores, and means ever yielding and ever giving, which is the Prakriti or the Mother Natutre, and Datta is the other name of God or the Male Principle, or the Father Principle, who ultimately gives everything.
The Kabalists were in Jews in Babylonia is their second captivity when an Assyrian King Nebuchadnezzar_II defeated Jews. During the captivity, it seems they took up the customs and beliefs of the Zorastians or the Parsees or Pharsees.
But there is an older connection of Jews with Persians, Babylonians, and Indians. The key is the word Palestine which is Paal-i-staan, which means "the Place of the Lord or the Protector", and like Nepaal is "Ni-Paal", which means "undertaken to the Lord or the Protector". Most of the Babylonian Kings were having the "Paals" in the endings, like Hammurabi's father Amar-Phal (thanks to the 26-letter folks evaluating the history of 52 letter folks) or Amar-Paal.
The Brahmins of India, the Aryans, were the Solar worshipers and the Dravidians (the genetic makup is same by some research done by some Indian individuals and by American Researches, they show different ratios of M45 and M25 Homo groups of Mother's Mitochondria DNA, perhaps indicating the different waves of settlements of the Indian continent), worshiping the Moon Principle - but the there were more wide spread, which became the basis for naming the countries like Syria and Asyria, Romania (Rama-an-ia) and Armenia, (A-Rama-an-ia) and even Arabia (A-Ravi-ia).
The earliest God worshiped was Shiva, Pashupati, the Lord of the Jungles and Animals, when Man was a Forest Dweller. It was considered the Father Principle or the Male Principle. This was at the "grosser level" but at the "subtler level" it was the "Shiv" or "Sieve" Principle, that has pierced all over the space - the Omnipotent.
Aryan or Indo European Civilization, when it moved to the Farming Life, the Father Principle evolved to the Solar Worshiper and the Earth was though to be the Mother Principle. So difference of preferences came up here too, which led to the Shakti, Daamatre, Maia, Cyble Worships all over the world as well.
Any Prophet, Messenger, Messiah, or Heroic Person Deified, would be considered the Solar Principle - so the historical Ram became the Solar God. This is the basis for Romania and the Armenia (where Shiva worship was carried on) Countries. The Shiva worshippers as well as the Shakti Worshipers carried on the Animal Sacrifices as the left over Forest Dwelling rituals. This remanant is to be found in the Pashupati Temple worship in Nepal and Durga and Kaali puja of the Bengal.
Vedic People had a split between Fire worship and a more flexible mixture of Fire worship and Iconic Worship, which became the basis of the split between the Persians and the Hindoos.
The Jews came out of the Persian sect as per one theory. The other theory is that the Brahmins or the Solar Worshippers drove out the Shiva or the Lord Pashupati worshipers - before the Language was refined with the concept of vowels. This is one reasons why the Aramic (it is actually A-Raam-Ic), the language of the Jews did not have the vowels where as Vedic Sanskrit and Avesta (which A-VeS-ta - non Iconic) and even the language Asyric (A-Surya-ic).
The Desert Dwellers were Nomads, like the early Persians (before Vedic times) and later Jews, who ventured out from Babylonia to the lands of Israel, Palestine, Levant, Phoenicia. The heat of the Sun for the Desert Dwellers was not a source of inspiration to worship the Sun as a God. The Moon's coolness and beauty was the source of the Metaphor of the Pleasure - which transformed into the Feminine Principle. Later this Principle would merge with the Mother Principle, and that is why one sees the Crescent Moon in Arabic (A-Ravi-ic) and Shiva Symbols.
"Lingams" carved out of rocks at Petra, Jordan - border of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and ancient Asyria. Before you think this is far-fetched, hold the judgement, till you see all the pictures below, and if still not convinced, read the above references.
It is the law of the Mother Nature to divide as well as unite in different dimensions. Lets rise to the upper dimensions and see the unity among divisions, and we all should rise up from pettiness and stop this ceaseless wars being waged in the name of Religion. It is not what the Prophets or the Founding Fathers wanted or envisioned. If they did, then they were not Prophets.
As you can see, they are not natural but man-made carvings.
Broken Lingam and Yoni and it is same as Denudata (Dhenu-Datta).
Same thing where the sacrifices would be offered - including Animals like the the Pashupati (Father Principle, and epithet for Shiva as Lord of Beasts) Temple in Nepa and Kaali (Mother Principle) Temples in Bengal - where the offer the same to Lingam. In India they offer Coconuts, Sweets, and Flower.
Look at the following picture and description of the Circle and the Dot.
Page 14 2 The numerical value of the yod leads to other considerations. The Unity- principle, according to the doctrine of the Kabbalists, is also the Unity-end of ...
Now look at the picture of the Yoni based Architecture, which was all over the world, from Peru to Eastern Islands, Stonehenge, and Far East Yoni GuNi.
Note in thic picture from Petra and the above Picture from Ajanta Ellora - and notice the center pillar and the central mound respectively.
So what is the connection between Shaivism and Buddhism - it is the same aspect where Tantra, Shaivism, Kundalini Yoga is found among the monks of Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan.
From the temple of Petra, the remains of the Cyble (is it Shibri - as C is ame as Sh, and "r" and "l" are interchangeable Semi Vowels from "R(i)" and "LR(i)" Vowels, where the usage of LR(i) has fallen off to "Ri") or Demetre (Daa MatRi). Shibri is the epitome of love and devotion towards Raam.
So you may think, this is all far fetched. Look at this picture of the temple from Petra, Jordan, and please note the Pagoda style architecture. They confirm the temple carved out of rocks, just like Ajanta and Ellora temples of India, done byBuddhist monks.
Now look at the picture of Mt. Kailasah Temple, the adobe of Shiva, at Ajanta, and note the Pagodas. At Ajanta and Ellora, they were first temples of Shiva, Krishna and later temples for Budhha.
Still not convinced? Look at the following picture of the temple with the damaged statue, actually defaced of Buddha, like done by the Taalibaans in Afgaanistan. Christian Zealots did the same kind of destruction throught the Middle East and Europe, and the suit followed by Islamic Zealots in Middle East, Egypt and India.
This is not what was envisioned by Christ and Mohammad. (If we put all the messiahs in the same room, do you think they will kill and destroy each other, let alone, hate and argue?).
The above picture of the statue should be compared with the picture below, which is from Nepal. Note the umbrella of snake hoods in the picture below, and wonder what you would get, if you try to destroy it. Note the 4 hands and repeat the exercise, then see what you would get.
Look at some Aramaic, Arabic, and some Brahmi/Devnagri Characters in the left-top frame. The right-top frame has the the "erased" scripts painted over with some red pigment - same as the rock color but it is a poor job - and the intended scripts are of carved white shades.
The above picture from the PashuPati Temple at Nepal or some place nearby in Nepal shows the same kind of statue as above at Petra - and it confirms the "Ne-Paal" and the "Paal-i-staan" connection between Hindoos and Jews.
Now look at this picture, and save the image, and at the "red" pigmented area, try to "zoom" those pigmented areas - and see what scripts and evidence of "destruction" you see with the covered up scripts. What script does it remind you of? Maybe it is an "artifact" and only a physical inspection of the site and more high resolution pictures would confirm this "evidence"
The above image is of Lahasa, Tibet, and shows the Solar Symbols with two animals with long necks.
This is very interesting, to see the same Solar Symbols, with Two Lions/Animals (if one considers the long necks, then they look more like the animals in Lahasa, Tibet), which has been used in the Ancient Solar Dynasties. This shows that this site passed control from people to people, nations to nations, religions to religions - but was of the same principle of worship of the Almighty. This confirms the Paali-stan (Palestine) and Ne-Paal (Nepal) connection, where first they were Hindus, then Budhhists, and them some reverting to Buddhists. Somewhere before that they was some interlacing of 'jNaanii" (Jain) Sects. Even today, if one goes to the Jain temples, and see the Idols, there are overlapping with those of Hindus.
The same myth of the Yoni repeats as the Navel of the Mother Earth in Japan, Palestine, Greece, Easter Islands, France, Stonehenge, and Americas.
Page 171 ... this unity is symbolized in architecture by sacred stones: by the lingam of Shiva in Pashupatinath near Katmandu or the black Kaaba stone of Mecca. ...
Page 476 The Greeks considered Delphi to be the navel of the earth, as the Jews, and even the first Christians, thought the true navel was Jerusalem ; and the ...
Page 127 The Jews consider Jerusalem to be the navel of the earth.2 The above etymon of the word does not quite meet all the circumstances, does not quite satisfy ...
Page 69 ... and called the Hermaphrodite. See Gallery of Naples and of Paris. The God of the Jews is also often known by the name of Adonai '"HK Ad»ii? ...
Adinoai is same as Sanskrit Adi-naiya - Led from the Beginning - which is the other name of the Lord.
Page 50 ... like the " Hindus, adored the Sun, and asserted water to be the first of " created things; nor can we doubt that Syria, Samaria, and Phenice, ..
Page 132 There was in Syria or Canaan a place called Amman, the natives of which were always at enmity with the Israelites.
"Canana" is same as Sanskrit "KaRNa" - and the Cereberal "R(i) or the next grade sound "ar" is often difficult to speak or notice when speaking fast. Like "Srivastava" becoming South Indian "Sivastava" (human migration has gone for ever) and Western people often spelling it like that. It means Sun, Gold, or the color of the Sun, Yellow-Orange-Red.
Page 172 The sacred black stone at Mecca many of my readers are acquainted with, and George the Fourth did very wisely to be crowned on the square stone, ...
During King Vikrama Ditya's time (as I have heard and read), had colonies of Brahmins and Traders sent to Arabia, and at Mecca, a Golden Saucer with his name was found. There are more evidences but basically the principle of Male/Father and Female/Mother Principle was often made into a grosser Female/Male Principle - which one would find often in primitive societies of the Nomads and Forest Dwellers which were colonized, and this could be the basis for the grosser meaning of "Phallic" idea.
Page 476 ... still consider Mecca as the mother and navel, or nabhi. All these notions appear to have arisen from the worship of which we have been treating. ..
Page 298 ... the Crozier, and the Cross ; and, a little in front of the group, a large Lingam, the emblem of generation, the creative power of nature.2 4. ...
The Cross was the sign used by Egyptians, Jews and Indians before Christinity.
Page 753 ...Kaaba: In the Kaaba and in the idol temple is his stone the symbol of male energy [a Lingam], and his is the symbol of female productiveness [a Yoni]; ...
Page 757 The phallic stick was a Lingam and the Black Stone was the Yoni vulva. Muhammad's staff will be discussed further in the next chapter. 3568 Ali. ...
The grosser customs discussed here are not to be found in the customs of Indian Shaivism or estoeric Tantra - but it is to be found in the "popular" version of Tantra, perhaps a remnant of Forest Dwelling and not seen by commoners in India, but with a different context - not with Fertility but to do with the Spirtitual Emanicipation And Realization of the Soul with the Super Soul. This may be just a bad propaganda or remnants of the Pagan roots high lighted by another neo competing religion.
The founding of Rome is ascribed to brothers Remus and Ramulus--which are latter-day variations of the Hindu name Rama.
Latins are Greeks' cousins, as Greeks' are Persian's Cousin, and as Persians are Indians' cousins (and one can further keep dividing everyone with regional variations but the same theme would run parallel) shows what the posting tries to explain.
Like Ram is called Dashrati, because his father's name is Dashrat, Krishna is called Vasudeva(h) because his father's name is Vasudev, Krishna's Radha is also called KrishNe, and Arjun's wife, and Krishn(a)'s Follower (Arjun's Wife) is called Draaupadii - daughter of Dru-pad - as well Krishnaa - double 'i' and 'a' make it big "A" and "I" sounds with double duration of the syllables, indicating the Feminine form. This denotes the well known rule in Sanskrit where the relations are called my grading the last, and sometimes the first syllables' vowels to next grades, and sometimes the last vowel sound is inflected to show genitive cases, symbolizing 'of' relationships.
So the word Remus is Ramus or Ramu(ah) and Ramulus is Ramulu(ah), where both are Genitive Singular cases of the word "Ram-R(i)", where "R(i)" is Cerebral "R(i)" denoting generic case like the roots of for the word Father is "PitR(i)" and the root for the Mother is "MitR(i)", and their Genitive Cases (Possesive Case showing 'of' relationship) is Mit-u-ah or Mit-u-aS and Pit-u-ah or Pit-u-aS, where 'S' is Cereberal sound but the Singular ones are "Maata" and "Pitaa". So the Singular of "RamR(i)" is "Raama", which is the one who is the Agent Noun of the Verb root "to delight in Oneself", "to relish in Oneself", one who sees "Everyone in Him, and Him in Everyone" or "Everyone in himself" and "Himself in Everyone". The "l" comes from making that Adjective first and then making it an Agent Noun, and then following the same set of rules. How else one would name Twins as Singular Genitive showing relationship with "Raam" their Father. Perhaps it shows one being more like the Father or the elder one who has claim to the throne!
Now strangely the Indian version of Names is "Lav" and "Kush" and the Italian version shows these people were brought up in a cave by some wolf, basically not their father and their mother. Since the story of Ram is so ancient, it is basically either 28000 years or 280,000, years old, and many times people are named after the historical characters, that often the fact is hard to seperate from the fiction!
If we want to be fair to both children, one would use "l" for one, and "k" for the second one, as suffix for Adjectives to the root "Raam", to become "Raam-L-R(i)" and "Raam-K-R(i)", with Geentive Cases being "Raam-L-R-u-ah(S)" or "Raam-K-Ru-ah(S)". When one considers the "ah" sound as adding "a" sound - since it is so ancient - we will get "Raam-L-R-u-a" which becomes 'Raam-L-R-v-a", and for "Raam-K-R-u-ah" is same as "Raam-K-R-u-S". Now there is some rule where "Ri" sound get modifed as "ir", "ur" sounds, and sometimes "R" is dropped. So one can see the names becoming "Raam-L-av" and "Raam-k-uS", where "S' is a Labial Sibiliant, and in short it would become "Lav", and "KuS"! Some folks would laugh ath ana gramming business, but ones who know the Sanskrit Euphonics rules, and know how some sounds evolved, would know that this is not that far fetched, considering the story to be so ancient!!
This mosaic captioned "A Pastoral Scene" is of the 2nd century A.D. and is on display at the museum in Corinth, 60 Km. from Athens (Greece). Obviously this is Lord Krishna the Hindu incarnation in his boyhood. The bare body, the horizontal flute, the cross-legged stance, standing under a tree with a few cows grazing around is exactly how Krishna is depicted in Hindu pictures. This is proof that in ancient Hindu Europe, Krishna and Rama as much as the Shiva Linga were worshiped as they are still worshiped by the Hindus in Hindusthan.
Dec 22 or 23 is the Coldest and Darkest Day of for the people of above the Equator, and the Sun was always equated with the Father Principle, or the Male Principle, and the Hindu Gods Ram and Krishna were considered the incarnation of the Sun, as were in other parts of the word, that went by the names Hercules, Horus, Mitra, Chorus, etc. So on the day of the Winter Solstice in December, the Sun starts is northbound journey, promising rejuvenation and rebirth of life, and of Light and Peace, and of Love and Happiness.
Even today, the educated ones from different countries, with different accents and hearing culturally intoned and trained sub-consciously, would spell the same sounds differently. One does not have to go that far but look at the spelling differences between the US English and the UK English!
The letters "K", "Q", "Ch", and "C" are often used for the same sound associated with the words mentioned here.
Many Britishers would spell Indian Krishna as Christna. The Indian Krishnan can be easily spelled as Christian by folks, as they skip registering some subtle sounds, which is found true. Just see how 50 plus letters of Sanskrit got approximated with less and less letters in Greek, Latin and English!
Now scholars are questioning the stories woven by the early Roman Church and the politics behind the mixing of the State and the Religion, which has brought us the terrors in the name of religion. Check Hamadi Papers, and read on Gnostics and Gymnospophists which are believed to be the followers of Budhism/Jainists. Some have even gone to the extent of questioning Historical Christ, and have said that the Roman Church has wowen stories besides him to push for its agenda, which was nothing to do with Religion or Spiritualism, but a tool to expand the Roman Empire.
One thing we can be sure that there was a person called Christ, like the way we have so many Krishnans, Ramans and Mohammads, named after some historical figure! And also sure this person was a great Saint, Spiritualist, Healer, Leader and what not, who did not forsee that in his name the atrocities would be carried on in the Europe, Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. against the natives of the land.
In Sanskrit, the full-moon anniversary is called "Chandraa-Maasi", which is the anniversary of the moon, or the birth of the full moon. So the anniversary of Krishna or Christna would be spelled as ChristNa-Maasi, and people having difficulty pronouncing the Cerebral 'N' associated with the word would skip the sound - like the fast Indian Speakers do not stress the last syllables and whereas Americans have the habit of doing so, and hence when an Indian Speaker speaks to an American Speaker, they have difficulty following them. One example is "Running" becomes "Runni'" where the sound "ing" is skipped but it is the Sanskrit Guttaral "Ng" sound and approximated with the letters "ing", and one can confirm this with reading some Sanskrit book with translation in English and use of the English Transliteration, with sound guides. So Isha Masi would mean the Reicarnation of God or the Lord which we all desire very much. Isha means to desire, and the noun would also be Isha, and Masi hear would mean the Reincarnation, the Rebirth.
It is a well known fact that that December 25 was the festival of the Pagans - a derogatory word used to hint at the statue and image worshipers by the Roman Church, and also the urban people in Rome were first to convert, and the rural people showed stubbornness to convert and were often thought to be "backward" and "unsophisticated". Is it not true that the Rural people are more loyal to their ancestor's Religion and its way of living, and one can see this proof in the North Western Pakistan, where the illiterates who do not know their own history, and only have a collective conscious memory of recent times from the Mogul Empire, refuse to go with the flow of the modern times, or even reconcile to the fact that their ancestors were also same as Hindus? This is why the correct Education is important as well as true imparting of History lessons need to be imparted - which rises beyond Politics, Nationality, Race and Religion, as the mixing of these things is always on the flux of change!
When the Christians were banned by the pre 300 AD Roman State, and being persecuted, the secret societies of the early Christians would take this occasion when the so called "Pagans" worshiping their Pagan God's Birthday, they would celebrate the day for their Lord. Later Roman Church, post 300 AD made this as a Christmas Day!!
Now there is mention in Anacalypsis that the site of Roman Churches show Black Christ, and some places, the statue of the Christ is believed to be painted with white! Another interesting fact is that like Baby Krishna is depicted sitting on the lap of his mother, the same way Baby Christ is shown sitting on the lap of his mother!
Vaishavnism - the sign of 'V' who are followers of Vishnu, Raam, and Krishna's worshipping. These pictures tell the same story.
An Arab woman wearing the Hindu vermilion mark on her forehead in ancient times when the world practiced Hinduism. (Published in the Bible Dictionary (appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee) and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar. [ Long missing links, or, The Marvellous Discoveries about the Aryans, Jesus Christ and Allah" by Vaduvur K Duraiswami Ayyangar, Publisher: Oriental Home University, 1931])
A Roman superior wearing the Hindu dhoti, chappals (sandals) and Hindu marks on his neck and forehead--reminding one of the times when Europe practiced Hinduism. (Published in "History of Rome" page 300 by Smith and "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
The Hindu architect of the pyramids looking at an unfolded architectural scroll. He is wearing Hindu marks on his body. This should underline the need to reconstruct the worldwide sway of Hinduism in ancient times currently wiped out of all history. (Published in Egyptian Myth and Legends page 368 and also in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Hindu administrations, the Sanskrit language, Hindu culture and the Hindu medical system--Ayurved, held sway throughout the ancient world. Monarchs then used to attend court bare-bodied with sacred ash and colour marks on their bodies. This is an Hindu Egyptian monarch of those times. [The 'V' mark is called tilok, and is shown being worn by this Egyptian in the same style that it is still worn by Vaishnavas today in India, on the forehead, arms, neck, chest and belly, representing that one is a worshiper of Lord Krishna or Vishnu.] (Published on page 38 of the Bible Dictionary {appended to the Holy Bible edited by the American Review Committee} and on page 185 of "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Roman consul wearing the Hindu forehead mark indicating that in ancient times Romans were Hindus. Roman emperors also sported the title 'Dev' as the termination of their names in the Hindu royal style. [The 'V' mark is called tilok, and is worn on the forehead to represent that one is a Vaishnava, a worshiper of Lord Krishna or Vishnu.] (Published in "History of Rome" page 237 by Smith and in "Long Missing Links" by Aiyangar.)
Bulls were worshiped in ancient Hindu Egypt as they are still worshiped in Hindu India. The earliest explorers of Europe and Africa were Hindus. The river 'Nile' bears the Sanskrit name indicating her blue waters. (Published in "Egyptian Myth and Legend" page 70 and "Long Missing Links" page 233.)
When Indian Soldiers returned from Egypt, after the World War I, they reported seeing Krishna's statues and his temples all over the country sites in Northern Africa. This was reported in Asiatic Researches. Then there was an intense debate about similarities between Christ and Krishna and if the Hindu's have copied from the Christians' the Krishna story - but only saved by the statues of Krishna in Elephanta and Ajanta caves, and the Greek Empire's erected Pillars in India and Afghanistan which mentioned the Historical Krishna, both predating Christian History.
Bragmanni - This backs up what I have been also saying with my independent research and also accepted by many scholars, with grudging admission of main stream scholars by the word PIE Language, Civilization, Religion and Culture.
Now see the word "Remenkīmi" and search the blog for the word "Ram" or "Raam". What were these people before 200-300 AD?
Background - A friend said he was proud of me writing about Hinduism, Vedanta and Indian History but wanted to clarify.
I had written this up some weeks back, but after the cowardly, dastardly, savage and inumane attacj on Bombay by the Terrorist, I am prompted to post this.
Hi V (name changed)
(Folks, please ignore this email if you do not care what compels me to write about in my Blogs, as I wanted to clarify one misunderstanding).
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words. Actually, it is not that bad at all having a Heart Attack ;-) I never felt any difference except for days of un comfort. You start getting more attention from your family and friends – and they make you think that something is terribly wrong with the way you are thinking about your condition. Now I am being deprived of all sweets and good food
BTW, my articles are not exactly about Hinduism, and if they appear to be, it is because it is an oldest whatever you call it. It is not a religion but a name given by outsiders. It is a Parliament of many Religions, School of Many Philosophies, and University of many Paths – whatever one calls it. Wish I was someone else to say this to add credibility to what I am saying. ;-) If we can legitimize Hinduism as one entity, then it would be fair to say that the whole World had one Hindu Religion as well as one Language – which Bible also says – but there are bound to have regional variations and differences along with drifting of time and people drifting from one land to another.
My purpose has been to show that the History taught to us has been deliberately manipulated by outsiders who wanted Indians to think less of them – it is like a father telling a child that he is an idiot. Guess what, after 20 years (actually you need just some months), the child really comes out to be an idiot. So History is like a Resume of a Civilization, and it is fudged and manipulated – and always written by the powerful, the rich and the victorious.
Though it is wrong to generalize, but I see Indians having a very poor or negative sense of their history. Just think that how many Indians like to proudly speak in their National or State Language (unlike Germans, Italians, Greeks, Persians. Japanese, French, etc.) – without letting others know subtly that are very hep and modern, sorry I meant English smart. Have nothing against English or any other body. Know India is many nations and English or Hindi binds us – and knowing English has helped us compete in the Global Market Place.
It always pained me to see Indians trying to copy accents, become westernized, and ape other cultures (just observe some of the Indians in the west, and also watch what Bollywood movies are promoting).
This was still OK, but over years I only found that the whole world is a one big and splintered family and got separated over eons of time and space travel. They are all related to the same parent Culture, Religion and Language –as there was only one religion and one language in the world. Now the scholars are calling it Proto Indo but that is their grudging admission of some allowance in this path. This has gone on for 250 years and gaining momentum. Most of the history was written by Colonist Historians and before than by Islam Invaders. Indian Historians have done nothing significant here –except for finding Dwarika and that too with the help of a chance finding and reporting by some western commercial vessel. Think I have found more and reported – though second hand in my spare time. Believe it or not, I spend more time in scientific reading but feel compelled to report what I know on the history and the language sides. ;-)
I realized that at least this hatred and division could be stopped – though looks fool hardy and naïve in my presupposition. At least the extremists all over would not be successful in inciting hatred and misunderstanding based on misinformation and misleading propaganda (just check the Internet and see what some of the extremists have to say about Indians and Hindus – to the point of it being absurd and totally misleading). Besides spiritually we being part and parcel of the same Creator and the First Principle Essence, for some the feeling of kith and kinship to same ancestry may prevent seeing a division. Then what has happened in Gujarat, Kerala and Orissa to the minorities, and how Daalits have been treated in the North puts us to shame.
Then I see that a real and truthful picture of the Language, History and how we have arrived at presence world scene is deliberately being manipulated. What we see today as post 911 Terror, was started by Roman Church 2000 years back (most of us do not know anything but temples raged, library burnt, people slaughtered, civilization pillaged and culture wiped out). Nothing against the message of the founding fathers, but I guess it is human nature to divide and fight. For the first time in the history, a religion became a tool for political domination, and that was Roman Church. Islam followed the same strategy but no one has realized Religion and State mixing is a very dangerous game and we are paying the prize all over the world now. Terrorists have the same agenda – to convert the whole world as one Islam Nation (some may feel infuriated by the injustice to the Palestine cause which I agree) but they forget, the splits would keep happening, and ‘schism’ would carry on. See what is happening in Iraq today – between Shia and Sunnis. Hindu Brahmins were no less corrupt and they drove the Buddhists and Jains outside the country – but they were never politically united and capitalized like the Roman Church or Mecca Driven Political Warfare.
Wish I was a Christian or Moslem saying this – as I do not think I am a Hindu, and I am just a Truth Seeker and trying to be a Spiritualist. Sorry I can write such a long email because I am on PTO.
The Unexplained Mysteries Site has this so called 'Atlantis Medallion', along with many other world famous and ancient historical artifacts, which need to be explained by the modern historians, and contradicts the current history's so called '5000 Year Civilization Model' based on Bible Genesis. Just 250 years back the world view also included the creation of the world was 5000 years only. Most of the viewers have focused on the top of the artifact, and yet to decipher the inscriptions below the artifact.
Pictures from the site.
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - Underside of medallion, there are symbols and text that may repersent some kind of calender system.
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - Top view it has a crystal dome, you can clearly see that it opens. It may date back 13,000 years it was found in a small granite box.
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - In the center of the medallion there is blue sapphire pyrimid. Scientis think it may project some kind of hologram if they could figure out how to open the medallion.
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - Size compared to human hand
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - 'Aum' and 'Swastika' Symbols.
Ancient Atlantis Medallion - 'Aum', 'Swastika' and 'Brahmi'/'Phoenician' Symbols.
One of the suspected Atlantis sites is the Lost Continent of Lemuria (actually LaNGuria in Sanskrit but there is no Guttaral Nasal in English and it gets approximated with the sound of 'M' and then gets corrupted), which is supposed to be the Home Land of the Tamils, as per the ancient Tamil Sangam Literature.
This also looks like The Lolladoff Plate, -Nepal. It is claimed to be found in Tibet, and is supposedly housed in a museum in Berlin.
But the video, Moon-And-Mars, in Frame 2:44 shows it as part of Incas Artifact (note the previous frame shows a saucer shaped pot with the same patterns).
After some initial excitement and impulse to spread the word, more digging has cast some doubts on the authenticity of the artifact (not sure what to believe) but the characters are very genuine, and the they are so many shades of characters, it is difficult to think that an UFO Promotional Video and its Author would use something less authentic. Sorry if I have misled anyone but there are other data pointers which also confirm this connection.
Please check the site, The Lolladoff Plate and it looks as if, there is more meat in this, which needs further digging. Then the two pictures, look very different. The one from Nepal is of very poor quality and more wide spread.
The one I have captured from the said video is more clearer, which makes me think that they are very different. If one floods the Google Earth - most of it - one would find Himalayas and Andes to be only two mountain ranges that stand out above the water. Then if one looks at the pictures of people from the two regions, Tibet and North East of Himalayas, and the Andes, one would find a lot of similarity, in their looks, their handi crafts, their customs and so on.
Then the Natives of Andes tell of certain "Veer Concha", which in Sanskrit means "Brave Sun", and they claim that he came from sea, was of white pale complexion, and fathered the children of Andes.
Will appreciate if folks can spend time parsing the text in the picture and/or co-locating better pictures of the image or the artifact from the Inca Civilization.
It is now accepted fact that the Native Americans came from South And Eastern Asia, via seas from the eastern route, and not from the western route. When these folks migrated is a question, but it could be pre-historic with continued contacts till 1000 AD, after which India faced the invasions. Even DNA wise it is confirmed by the National Geographic Genome Projects.
Look for 'AUM' at the 2'O Clock Position (and accounting for smudging) and the Brahmi Scripts in the bottom. See if you can read "Meru" as well (it is in the faded ink at 6'O Clock and juxtaposed to imprinted characters which are in the darker ink). It is weird that Mars and Meru sound so close. Mt. Meru is suppose to be the Celestial Mountain on which the Celestial Sphere rests, and Mars is supposed to be a Planet where some advanced civilization once lived. Also note the Sun in the center, which is a common theme of Native American Calenders from different ages, of which two I have posted in the posting "AUM IN AMERICA", and one I still need to post, which has Brahmi script from Lake Heron.
Another picture - far right of the artifacts displayed as part of clay sculptures displayed under Inca Civilization - showing the "isometric" view of the said object. It is strange that it shows a "saucer shaped" model with vortex and an alien, with a script imprints, both Devanagari and Brahmi, of various ink densities, that it is hard to imagine that is an elaborate hoax by someone. Then note that Peruvuans were suppose to celebrate "Ram Sitava" Festival, which was noted by Sir William Jones.
Sanskrit-ized Words (Rules Followed: (1) Take the English Phonemes and convert to closest Sanskrit Phonetics, (2) Follow Well Known Sanskrit and Linguistic Rules and (3) Demonstrate the Sanskrit Meaning to be the same or the opposite as the English one, as "my gain" is "your loss". Please remember the probability of combination of letters is 1/26 x 1/26 x ... x 1/26 - if one computes the probability based on syllables of Sanskrit sounds, it further reduces drastically. So this is not a funny game, combined with the fact that what others have said as well.
(Common World Discovery: Note the "AUM" at the left middle)
- Pictures from
Head of Vedic Priest with Tonso and Shaved Head at Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge of Turkey.
Picture of Chanakya - The Great Politician Brahmin of Chandragupta's Times and Professor at Taxila University - Burnt by Religious Bigots and Invaders - like today's Taalibaans, and Universities like the Alexandria and Nalanda.
Picture of Shankracharya - Child Prodigy who Interpreted Vedas and Scriptures By Age of 8 and Authored Classics Like "Vivekachoodamani" -Cconsidered the Jewelled Crown of Epistemology All Over the World.
Common World Discovery: Memorial of Little Turtle - Download the image and magnify the letters and see which script the letters resemble.
India is the birthplace of civilization, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most abstrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!"- Mark Twain
Keep in mind, (1) Man has been here on Earth for millions of years, and has been civilized longer than acknowledged (see Hidden Archeology), (2) there was one language in the beginning of the Civilization in the world as said in Bible also, (3) there was one religion in the beginning of the Civilization in the world, as well, as said in Bible also, and lastly, (4) the Indian History from 680 A.D. to 1947 A.D. was written by the Historians, like who were on the payroll of the Colonial Masters and who had the agenda of the Roman Church as well (please read the history and the fate of the Gymnosophists and the Native Americans of South America).
No pain no gain. Learning just about 150 to 175 rules of Sanskrit Vowel and Consonants Sandhi Rules, Eu phonic Rules, is not an easy task and one needs patience. I did this over 1 year and for many years I would revise, which for some months I am out of the habit of revising Sanskrit grammar. (I was motivated to use Sanskrit as a Therapeutic Session for my son with a Head Injury with a loss of 1/3 brain from 3 places to stimulate his Memory and Logic - as he had lost everything and could not even join 2 points of a line).
We should know the following facts before we laugh or mock at this idea of "hidden" meanings behind the words that have survived from the antiquity.
a. Sanskrit - Classical Sanskrit is dated 500 BC and Vedic Sanskrit, which has less differences than what Shakespearean English and Colonial English have with Modern English (one wonders which one), dates back to Vedas, which has been dated to 2300 BC by the western experts, and if one dates Mahabharata War, it goes to 3100 BC by Western Scholars, and some people have gone as back as 5000 to 7000 BC based on Astronomical dating. It is the root of most of the Indo European Languages, where Greek, Latin, German and English are later editions.
A 26-letter scholar becomes the evaluator, annunciator, master, educator, and the final-say of the works of 50-letters (with infinite combination for new compound letters, including vowel-ised nasal and 2 compound letters, "tra" and "ksh", and with help of exhaustive rules* set, giving rise to infinite number of words) without understanding their nuances of the language at the time of writing his judgement (like a new kid on the block comes and judges the grand daddy of the visited block).
* The rules associated with the grammer (of words - of Active - Parasampadya - that helps the 'non doer of the verb', Active - Atmanpadaya - "that helps the doer of the verb" - Present, Imperfect Past, Perfect Past, Re duplicative Past, Periphrastic Past, Arorist (Past) of 7 types, Passive, Causative, and Desiderivative Verbs, Moods to indicate "Opiative or Potential", "Imperative", "Benedictive", and "Conditional", Nouns, Adjectives, Pronouns, Active and Passive Present, Future, Past and Potential Participles, Adverbs and Gerunds, Infinitives, and tome of Mathematical Rules for Inflecting Nouns and Adjectives with different contexts, 10 Verb Classes of Conjugating Verbs, and plethora or Prefixes and Suffixes to convert Noun to Verb and Nouns, with Superlative and Comparative variations as well, and Verbs to convert to Verbs and Nouns) are ignored before passing the judgement.
The cultural intonation is disregarded and judgement passed on the civilization and cultural history by the outsiders. The colonist become the gatekeepers of the knowledge of the world of the ancients, whose land and their children they rule. So in the way it is like a guest coming into a family and passing a judgment on how and why things are like this and that in a family. It is like hiring an outside consultant and asking to evaluate the problems and fix them in one weeks time for a company. Or it is like a child judging his father of those years before the child was even born.
These are the idiosyncrasies of the socio-political-economic world, where the lamp of of knowledge and truth is extinguished in the gallows of ego, power, money and sex - where for the sake of sensory world, the ethereal world is sacrificed.
So an important aspect of the ancient world is getting lost and near extinction. The ancients derived words like we derive a chemical formula, and they often had a meaning behind the word. They arrived at the meaning and the word in a scientific was as one would derive a chemical formula today. But the later generations, specially the uninitiated, unexposed, the people of far off and far reached places lost this knowledge and took the words as they were, and in the process the words started getting corrupted.
So unless one knows what was lost, and how it must have been coined, invented, discovered, can then only one appreciate the powers of the word from the ancients and understand their meanings associated with it.
b. Vedas - the oldest surviving books of knowledge - and it is for some reason why it has survived for so long in the history of civilization - because it was thought to be the most precious gift of our ancestors to be preserved. Children to whom esoteric knowledge of the ancients was passed as true successors and surely for a long time the traditions of verbal repetition to keep it alive was maintained as true children of their true fathers. But the dust of time does not spare even the most loftiest of the ideas and wisdoms because everything shall come to an end, no matter how good it is.
c. Destructive Colonization - Wherever colonists went to, they nearly managed to destroy and kill the native Civilization and Culture. Examples are Americas, Africans, Australia and New-Zealand - except for India, China, Persia, Egypt - and see what has happened to Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, West Bank and Palestine. Yes the great nations suffered the pillage of their temples and burning of libraries, yet it is a tribute to the human ingenuity, that somethings have survived the rages of war and destruction - like the Vedas which no one could wipe from the collective consciousness of the Priest Class and Scholars, or the Hamaadi Papers, which were for centuries rolled over in clothes and buried deep in ground in a jar by the Gymnosophists, to escape the burning wrath of the of the early Roman Church which was getting political and stronger and did not approve the Gymnosphophists sects, which were said to be the true followers of Christ than the representatives of the Roman Church.
While being schooled from 60's to early 80's, the world did not know anything about the greatness of Maya, Incas, Peru Civilizations or their richness and their Pyramids. See what Colonial Spaniards and Christian Zealots did to the natives and they are still recovering like Mexico and other poor South American Countries - except for those few who have the currency of the modern black gold to be come out like Venezuela.
One thing that always puzzled me was why Native Americans, or Red Indians, like Mayans, Incas, and Peruvians, and East Indians claimed that they invented the number "0" and Decimal Number System. Surely both were not lying and there is only one explanation for this, that they come from a common stock of parent civilization, and one of them is an ancient of ancient civilization between them. This explains why the "carpets", "shawls", "handicrafts", "red" and "green" chilly sauce/chutney, tortillas/rottis or chapati (see to-rotti-llas is overloading and overloading of additional context and corruption because of "drifting" of sound from accent, pitch, rythm, and divergence of hearing and speech training), commonness of religious symbolism as well as the repeat and corruption of the word "Surya/Suri/Churi/Chori/Cori", "Kanchan/Cochan", and the factors of 432,000 encoding, etc.
Was Columbus so stupid that he turned "right" instead of "left", or forgot to orient the map instead of facing "up", he faced it "down" - a practice limited to "new nations" like Greece, Italy and Spain - or was it there there were two "Indian Civilizations", like some colonial nations or partitioned nations of the recent history of India, Pakistan. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Indonesia and Thialand.
d. One Language-One Religion Civilization - Bible says the same thing. All current languages have the permutation and combinations of vowels and consonants - specially the letters "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u". As MarkTwain said, we should thank Mother India because it taught us how to speak. There is a reason for this and one should answer why we can not have any other animal making those sounds like the vowels mentioned? Sure the animals communicate with each other but we do not understand their communication - as it is found out by the latest research, specially on Dolphins, Whales and Sharks, Chimpanzees, etc. So definitely the sounds came out from a common source. My children could not say Hindi/Sanskrit "a" and "aa", in the beginning when they were 3.7 and 2.2 years old respectively, and for them English "a" was Hindi/Sanskrit "ae" sound - a typical westernization of the sounds.
Mars - The Dead Planet - the one that has endured, been patient (after getting enough knocks), have become False (not present anymore as only Truth is Only Present, and what is not Present is False). There is some talk about finding Man Made Structures on Mars and proof of some advance Civilization (check the Youtube).
Astronomy - astra- nama-ya - The instrument to coin a name (of a person). It is still relevant in India to names babies after consulting the stars and horoscope. Astronomy is still significant in marking auspicious days and festivals. The same was true for Persians, Babylonians, Syrians, Greeks, Italians, Mayans, Incans, Peruvians, and so on.
AUM-OM-AMEN-AMIN - HUN - HUM - OM and AUM means the Symbol of God - the Super Soul or the First Principle, which I call the mother of all Laws without which everything fails - also means "So be It", as the "Sign of Assertion or Approval", and also used to indicate the same in Prayers. This is same concept used when the word is used as Amen or Amin.
With the Surya-Asurya Split (Indian-vs-Persians over Qualified Monotheism with Expressions in Polytheism - Fire Worship combined with Iconic Worship - vs. Absolute Monotheism - Fire Worship), the Guttaral "A" can also become "H" as an aspirated version, and "M" can also become "N" - specially among the commoners (like Sindhu becoming Hindu and then Indu, and Soma becoming Homa and then Oma and Amu - as noted in the case of Surya Dariya and Amu Daryia in one of the Postings. So Persians would say HUM, and in the Mongolia, Tibet, and Xiang (Tachuria - North of Tibet) areas would say HUN. Have you wondered why Tibetan Monks say "HUM" and not "AUM"? For the same reasons, Mongolian Nomads, were called HUNs. Watch the movie - Atilla (like Atal - one who is immovable) the Hun - and he is depicted as a Terrible Beast by the Roman Civilization - but it is the Roman Civilization that has cast asided the Spiritual Aspect to Life and pushed for Material Aspect to Life and examples being the History of Roman Church and now followed by the Likes of it in Extremist Islam. In same token, killing of any minorities in Gujrat, Orissa, Kerla, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afganistan is completely abominable. Om-ni-scient, Om-ni-potent, Om-ni-bus, Om-en, Om-an, all have the same context - of the "multi dimensional" aspect of the attribute of the First Principle, the God Principle, the Super Soul, and which goes by many names and many understandings and misunderstandings (Relativity holds true here to its perfection). Isha, Isis, Ishu, Isus, Jesu, Jesus - Names of God used from India to Egypt to Palestine to Celtic Druid's Ireland (where the sound of "J" is pronounced as "Y" and "I" and "Y" are of same family, "Y" is a down-graded semi-vowel sound from the vowel "I").
Vatican - VaatIkaan - Place like an "Ashram" where the Holy People stay close to nature, where there are enough gardens and other pet animals. Now go and search on "Christmas", "Christ" and "Hamadi Papers".
Philosphy Gnothi Seauton - gNaa-sah-taam - You Know Him (yourself - the one inside you).
The western names for the cardinal directions came from the fact that they were based from the point of view of the Roman and Greek world, where the map was laid South Facing - as the Mediterranean or South Pole was their Principal Direction - which is now for us is the North'. I got this idea on these words and got it confirmed from Wikipedia. There is a legend of Greeks that they belonged to South Poles, and the legend of Aryans is also of North Pole, and then their is talk about periodic Pole Shifting. Check out Hyperborea. There is an ancient map of Antarctica shores with no ice from the ancient times, and it is confirmed to be accurate by the US Army, but the technology to do the mapping came to us in last 50 years! It is said, that Columbus had come across some map which told him about this passage to India or Indies, and he took a wrong turn. Either he was not fully conversant with the Map reading of the source from where he got it (obviously India as he was seeking the Riches of India or the source where the words were coined for the Cardinal Directions), or the India he was seeking was also present in Americas! Knowing the "flipping of the map" was an artifact of Greeks, Latins and Spanish (which was actually opposite to Indian meanings of the Cardinal Directions, or it was relative to the people from South Pole). There was a Kingdom of Lemuria (actually Languria and Madasgar is the remnant of that continent), and was suppose to be very advanced and the home land of Tamils.
East - Ast - 'S' and "As" are the roots for the verbs "is", "are", "was", and "be". The later is a stronger version of the first. The past participle of "as" is "ast", where things have already happened or set. In Sanskrit when the Sun sets, it is called "Ast". But when one the maps are turned around, as it was done by the Greeks and Romans, this became "East" - where the Sun rises from! This shows that the corruption of knowledge happened from the "East" to the "West", from India to Greece and not vice versa. This could be one reason why Columbus made a mistake even though he had a special and secret map to India, perhaps crafted by Phoenicians only, which in Vedas are caled "PaaNi-kanas".
West - Vast - Ust -> Ut-iS-t. "Ut" means where things rise. "Ut" is to "rise", and "Is" - minus 's' having 'a' sound - is for indicating Future Tense, and "at" is to make Present Participle, besides, 'aan', 'at' and 'ant'. This means where the things will rise from. "V" and "W" sounds are often mixed up, and vowel "u" when 'samprassanized', becomes 'v' or think, when vowel "u" is joined by another vowel, it becomes "v"!. Again for the problem of orientation, this happened, that it became "west".
North - Na-Arth - Of no Purpose. This indicates that the advancement of civilizations happend south of India - which is what we know - and why the Greeks and Italians faced their map facing "south". This was the time when Northern Nations were considered barbaric and inhabitable.
South - Sa-Arth - With Purpose. The other word is "DakSin", and it is related to "DakS" and Dextrous. The Tamil Nation - and lost and sunken continent, call LaNGuria, but mispronounced by westerners, as Lemuria, was said to be a very advanced Civilization. It is said that the Ravana of Ramayana had dazzling array of technolgies, including planes - called Pushpak Vimaans.
Hyperborea - Hi-upR-bhu-r-iya - "Only the upper or far away land that is". Considering that there was mixing of directions, "South" meant what was is the current "North", it makes perfect sense to think that PIE people arriving from the North Hemisphere - but this should not be mixed up with the Aryan Invasion theory which becomes very focused to a given region and time period because for sure man was there before. Around 10,500 there was a big Ice Age and the PIE people were forced to drift southwards, (after crossing into Europe in 40, 000 BC), and perhaps the Dravidans, the Tamil Nation people were forced to move from the South Pole and Lemuria to the North-ward India - hence leading to the mixing of two cultures in a peaceful and co-existential way - borrowing from each other. Despite their differences, they still had a lot of commonness, like the common ancestors, which is what this Blog is trying to promote. Dravidians is just a name sake classification that just goes skin-deep and DNA wise one can still call them Caucasian - funny what the exposure to Elements like Heat and Sun, and Space and Time drifting of Man and associated Culture, Language, Religion, and Civilization does to the shallow world of differences, hiding the commoness that runs deep among us. Just see the differences in appearance and culture of Black Man from Africa and the USA! Now another interesting myth from the story of Ramayana is that his brother was called "Kumbha-KaraN", who used to sleep for 6 months and be awake for 6 nights! If one parses the word "Kumbha" it means "Eclipse", "Night" because of "Absence of Sun", and "KarN" means "Sun". Now there is some talk aboiut the South Pole was civilized before the Ice Age, as they have found a map that shows the shorelines very accurately, and the sophisticated underwater and underland scanning technology of the science of mapping has only come to us in last 50 years, and the US Army confirmed the ancient map is accurately depicts the shorlines! Now we all know, that the South Pole, as well as the North Pole, has 6 months of Night and 6 months of Day!
Nile - Neel - The source of the river Nile was only known to Indian Brahmins, as per Asiatic Researches, and documented in Anacalypsis, by Higgins.
Sea of Marmara which means Dead Sea in Sanskrit, and what it is. In Sanskrit, there will be words formed by repeating the roots, like "kur-kura", "jhar-jhara", "bhun-bhuna", "phan-phana" and so on.
KoNark, KaRNaak, Carnac - The Temple of Konark or Karnak in Egypt, the Temple of Sun, is same what it means in Sanskrit, the word "KarN", and in India, Orissa, there is a Sun Temple also called Konark. There is a place in France with the same significance called Carnac and also in Meso Americas, called Carnack. Check out the video series In Quest For Common Civilization.
Palestine - Paal-i-staan - Place of the Lord. "Paal" is same as "Pati"
Tripoly - Tri-Paal-y or Tri-Paal-ia - Same as Tripati or Tripathi, or Thirupati of South India. Place of 3 Lords - Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva - the Creator, the Maintainer, and the Destructor.
Arabia - A-Ravi-ya - Land where they do not worship Sun. It is the name given by the outsiders who worshiped Sun indicating people from upper hemisphere where Sun was welcomed. That place would be a land of maximum rivers, fertile valleys, and pleasant climate. At one time I would write why the Northen Region of the Indian Subcontinent is an unique region in the world with maximum rivers. When you are in Desert, one has no incentive to appreciate Sun and that too in the Hot Desert. Here the coolness of the night was welcomed (and still is) and that is the reason why the religion of Arabia had the emphasis on the Moon. In North of India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the eastern land and its people are called "Purabia", which is basically "pUrv + ravi + ya" - where the Sun rises before. Also in the land of Arabia, the custom was to face the west, where the Sun sets, to worship the symbolic Moon rising. In Vedic people, rising Sun was worshiped facing east.
Oman - Aum-an - Country that worships the Aum principle - the Sun Worshipers. This could be one reason why the small country has stood out as a different country in a large Arabic Peninsula. It was ruled by Persians who shared the religiuous beliefs with Hindus for a long time. One will note that the people of Oman still follow Bollywood movies, and speak in broken Hindi - like the NRI kids watching movies for generations after their fore fathers having left India. Check the Omyaad script shown in the posting on HammuRabi - but with upside down!
Ostrogoth - Asth-Gotra - The eight clan in eastern Germany where they fought against Atilla but joined hands (in a failed attempt) to fight off the Romans.
Visigoth - Vishi-Gotra or Viish-Gotra - The twenty clan or the clan that got corrupted (perhaps by outside mixing) and the their division of the eastern Germany clan. After Christian convertion, their was a sect of Arian (Aryan) Christians - indicative of their Vedic past. Yoni-guni - Womb of Mother, were the Female or the Mother Principle was worshiped.
Yaeyama Islands - Yaa-I-yama -> That which has gone to the God of Death, which means the submerging of the islands.
Goshintai - Gau-ST-In - "Gau" is from the root "gu" meaning 'cow', 'to go', 'to empty oneself by excretion', "(mother) earth", "water", etc. "ST" is Cerebral "S" Sibilant sound, "T" is Cerebral 't' sound. "sta" means place, with dental 's' and 't', and when the preceding sound is not "a", it would become "STa", as Guttaral and Labial Rows do not have their own Sibilants and make do with the Cerebral ones most often.
This means where the "Place or Pen of the Mother Cow or the Earth, as Earh was often equated with the Mother Principle (among Sun worshippers) and Moon was the mother principle (the A-Surya worshipers and called Ammu - which is same as Somu - or Amma).
One should look at the Stonehenge Blog Posting, and compare the pictures in this posting with the pictures of the "Lingam" in the posting, with the above picture.
A strange coincidence of an "Lingam" Rock at Yoniguni, which goes as far as 10,500 BC, and how many places in the world have this kind of a natural formation. Than what does it remind you, if one follows the thought process of the "Lingam" Principle, without thinking the Ancients to be as corrupt and perverted as we have become. Is it just a coincidence? I do not know but this makes it very curious object at Yoniguni, which is known to be a Temple of Motherworship, which is what YoniGuni means.
"Lingam and Yoni" Structure found in Nakagusuku or Goshintai, near Yoniguni, and similar structures are found all over the world, including Eastern Islands, France, South America. Please see the Posting "In Search For Common Civilization".
Nakagusuku - Naga -Gu-Su-K, where "a" sound can become "u" sound because of accent speaking and hearing problems. So it means "Snake, Serpent, or Shiva", which is the Male or Father Principle, and "su" means "Good, Divine, Of High Ranking", and "K" is for adjective. Guttaral "K" and "G" are interchangeable. Like "aS" becoming "aSK" for tears, where "aS" is for eyes or space.
It could also be "Naga-Gu-uS-uk" -- where it means, "Father Principle", "Mother Principle", "Rising" and "uk" is now the suffic for adjective. Like
Utsuk, for the word excited in Sanskrit.
Picture in Yonigunu - similar architecture of concentric circles and passage lines have been used in Peru, Turkey, and Stone Circles all over the world (Stone Henge).
Isihibutai - IShi-Bhut-aay - Place of God, or where God dwells. "iiS" or "iiSh" is for God, "Bhut" is from the root "Bhu", and it becoming present participle or past participle as "bhut", and the soft sounded "bh" becoming "b", which happens because of accent speaking and listening issues. "aay" is same as "aai", and it is the Dative or Potential Participle or Adjective indicative - meaning where "to" or "for" to find "God's place or temple", "Where God would be staying", or "Where to dwell or seat God". All are connected.
Japan - Jaa-paaN - One that has gone to the waters - So Japan was connected to the main land before 10500 BC.
Australia - Ast-a-tral-ia - or Ast-atal-ia - the most eastern known continent or land mass in the "East" known to the Greeks and Romans.
Bermuda - BhRm-Uda - Where the Delusion or the Confusion Rose. What it means is where the Magnetic Needle becomes misleading, which is the navigation tool for sea navigation, and known to Indians, (as a magnetic needle in an oil case), is yet another indication, where the Vedic People had reached Americas in the ancient times. I talked to some native Indians, and they said their ancestor's folk lore says they came from India.
Mexico -Ma-ikS-ic-ah (or 'o or 'r') - What it means is 'what can not be seen'. We all know Maya Civilization was predominant in Mexico, and in Sanskrit "Maya" means 'what one does see' or 'what is not apparent' or 'what does not go (anywhere and is present all over but can not be seen)'. It is the Second Principle and synonymous for the Feminine Principle after the First Principle, which is of the Brahman. These terms are from Vendanta, and other words for these two are "Shiva-Shakti", "Purusha-Prakriti".
Panaama - paaN-nama or pa-Nama or paa-naam - What it means is "bowed or lowered to water", "obtained by bowing or water that bows", or "of that is of water". It could also means that one which is "obtained by or from the water". In Sanskrit 'paaN" means "Hand" or "Water". The world "Phoenecians" is "paanNic" in Sanskrit. Panama on the Pacific Ocean side has higher sea-level and on the Atlantic Ocean side has lower sea-level. It is interesting to note that Japan (jaa-paaN) has the same but opposite context. And interestingly, Panama is near Bermuda (bhRam-udA) and Japaan (jaa-paaN) is near the Pacific equivalent of Bermuda Triangle called Dragon's Triangle (in Pacific Sea and also near Yoniguni). There is some talk about Physicsts that the two are connected via Earth's Black Hole (yes it is Black Hole).
Atlantis - A-tal-ant-des - The country that was a land mass or mountain, and came to an end.
Somalia - Su-Mal-ia - Place of Good Smell. Somalia was the famous country where the Incense Sticks were made and exported.
Ethiopia - Iti-uta-Upa-aya and connectedto Utopia. Countries like Somalia, Ethiopia and Nambia were very rich and powerful and had their colonies. One can find negroid sculptures in Italy, Greece and Rome Churches with historial connections as ancient sites of worship - and sometimes speculated as places of worship of Adonis, Bachhus, Krishna, Hercules, etc.
California - Kaal-pooRn-Ia - Where time ends - which is where the man tracked time ends and the so called the sun sets.
Yosemite - Yasah-Om-Iti - Whose fame is as as good as God or Om. It can also be "Ya Yash Om Iti", but "YaYa" can become "Ya", which happens when there are double consonants, the sound "a" can be built into "y" and the word would be "yy" and it becomes "y".
Wiyomy - vi-ya-Om-ia or vi-yaa-om-ay - That undertakes you to God.
Nevada - Ni-Vaad, Ni-Ved, Ne-Vaad, Ne-Veda - Difficult one. Meanings are: (1) To Undertake to Stay or Argue, (2) Undertake to Learn or Knowledge (3) Lead to Argue, and (4) Lead to Learn or Knowledge.
Bimani - ViMaani - Connected with Aeroplanes - like Daya-n-i or Daya-na-ya. Look at the comment on Inca line by Graham Hancock, which talks about this.
Crete Island - CRit - where for many people "ar" sound is difficult to enunciate - like Srivastava is pronounced as Sibastava. Land which has been cut off from the main coast, which is the history of Greek islands in the area.
Catilina Island, California - It has the same notion as Crete Islands. The root "cRit", where "R" is Cerberal, can become "cat" as western speakers (and the unitiated in the sound of 52 letters) can often drop this. So in Hindi there are two words, "katrin", meaning "a shredded piece of cloth", and "katli", meaning "a 'diamond piece' of small (Indian Sweet) cake cut from a larger piece of (Indian Sweet) cake casted on a bigger platter. The word Catherine-Katherine. also is connected, meaning someone has those eyes that "cut you in pieces in your heart". So in Hindi/Sanskrit one would say a beautiful girl having a "katrin" eyes or even katty eyes!
Peru - it also means Meru in Sanskrit, and also means Golden Mountain, Sun, Water, Swelling, Germinating, Carrying Across - all symbols of the Sun as Male or Father Principle. Peruians are supposed to worship "Ram-Sitva" festival, noted by Sir William Jones 250 years back. The "tva" or "va" suffix is yet another indicative of the Eastern people, as they tend to add this after each word, and a remnant of Sanskrit Gerund in their language.
Now why a famous person like Sir William Jones would say this some 250 years back, when a lot on History was being written by the colonist powers?
He said, "It is very remarkable that Peruvians, whose Incas boasted of the same descent, styled their greatest festival Rama-Sitva; whence we may take it that South America was peopled by the same race who imported into the farthest of parts of Asia the rites and the fabulous history of Rama." (source: Asiatic Researches Volume I. p. 426
The "Lingam Principle" at Macchu Pichhu.
Aramu - Mentioned in Peru, one of the Temples. Note the comment on Armenia and Romania.
The structure at Mahoo Pichoo of a temple which is common in principle at YoniGuni, Stonehenge, and Golden Heights, Damascus. Modern Historians have treated this as water channeling structure in a Temple - but think of it, where does on channel water in a Hindu Temple? It is the Yoni. And what would a similar structure do in Yoniguni?
Another example of Male and Female Principle Worship. "Lingam" and "Yoni" at Macchu Picchu.
Maachu-Pichhoo - MaaChee-Bichoo - Fish and Scorpion, which are the Zodiac signs for the months of 21/22 April to 21/22 March and 21/22 Sept to 21/22 October. This is interesting, since in the month of March we have the Spring Equinox, and in the month of Oct we have the Autum Equinox. Now this is what the modern historians have said, that they had temples to mark these equinoxes. The corruption of the world indicates that the Eastern people, east to India, like Bengal/Bihar onwards, had the influence. since "P" is often said as "B" by these people. Also it connects with Mt. Meru myth - the place of Gods. See the note on the Mountain Rock being one of the Gods, which is the Shila or Lngam - the Male Principle of Shiva.
Katchiqhata - Kachi-Ghaat - Marshy Bank.
Sacsayhuaman- Saakshi Hanuman ? A place visited/witnessed by Hanuman?
There is some talk about Vaalmiki of Ramayana has described the trident found in the South America, in Peru, called Nazca Lines (which incidentally also has a picture of a Monkey), on Mount Andes at the Bay of Pisco. His description matches exactly with that of the Trident. The context was when Hanuman is sent on a mission to search for Sita, and told how to know when he has reached the Western End of the Earth.
Kalahari - Kaal-Hari - Where Time beats you - or where Time need to be beaten as it is a Desert 0r else the Time (Death) beats you in the game of life and death.
Sweden - Sva-Daen - Self Given - The Viking sites have revealed statues of Buddha.
Dennmark - Den-Maarg - Path Surrendered or Shown - There is a discovery of a seal stone from Lake Heuron with almost certaint possibly of Eastern Script - Brahmi and Aramic Scripts perhaps (it is still work in progress in background).
Upsaala - Up-paath-saala - University - Here it means "School for Learning that is Far or Away - or Not Required, an Epithet for Higher and Special Learning". There is some talk about the Aryans coming from the Northen Pole at the onset of the Ice Age.
Khara - Khoto - Salty and Bitter - Place where I have found giant Buddhist Temples and Shiva-Lingam-Yoni Architecture based Temples which also present in Angor Waat.
Mangolia - Mangalia - The Huns (Atilla the Great) and Mongols were Idol Worshippers as well as Buddhist before they converted to Islaam. Hindu Idols are still to be found in these places, including Japan.
Te Pito o te Henua, ‘The Navel of The World’ - Thy are our Father, "O Thy for Mother (or our Purpose - as without mother the purpose of life is not established).
Hotu Matua - ‘Prolific Father’ in Eastern Island).
Marae-toe-hau - ‘The Burial Place’ - in Eastern Island. Note the root "Mare (mRi)" - to die.
Land of Hiva - Land of Shiva - Place in Eastern Island as well as Mongolia/Siberia.
Khiva - Shiva - Note the Sanskrit Compound Lerrer 'kSh', is sometimes spelled as "Kashtri" or "Shatri", and in English the letter 'X' was supposed to mean that sound. This is rule is very consistently observed as noted. Also note, this was also called "Xiva", which is what the rule says, and also it a prehistoric and pre-Islam City. Also check the posting on the posting on Hammurabi.
Sumerkhand - Su-Meru-Khand - the section or water-pond of Mt. Meru. This is part of Uzbekistan, and this is where "Surya Dariya" and "Amu Dariya (actually Somu Dariya", which is Sun and Moon Rivers. This also backs up what is said about the city in Uzbekistan, called "Khiva".
Hawai Or Hawaii - Land Of Shaivyas or Where Sacrifice Is Done For God - Why there is a place called Delhi in California? It is basically when people migrate, they call the new place by the names of the old place they remember leaving, perhaps a way to not feel homesick. There is the US Hawai, the Japanese Hawai, and the Indian Hawai, which is in the Arunachal Pradesh, North Eastern of India. This shows that the North Eastern People of India had reached Eastern Islands, Hawai, Peru, and Americas. See the postings on Peru. It is interesting to note that the word "Shaivya", becomes "Haivya", if one follows the "Sindhu" to "Hindu" rule. This again backs up the comments on Peru and Yoni Goni. If one takes the root for the Vedic Sacrifices, "Hu" becomes "Havan and "Haviiya", and one can see that the world also gets corruped to the word. Both are related to the same philosphy of the religious throught. The word "Havana" is also connected with Rudra, Shiva. Somethng that is adjective of that would be called "HavA-iya", where the sacrifice is done for God, place where God is worshipped. Interesting the city of Cuba, called Havana is also related. See the comments on Cuba.
Hercules - Hari-Kul-iS or Hari-Kul-i(ah) - meaning the one who belonged to the family of Gods. This is the myth of Hercules, and often equated with Balraama, Krishna, Dionysus, etc.
Dionysus -Daa-i-nii-IsiS, Daya-nii-Ishish, Daya-ni-sheSh, or Daya-nii-sheesh. - Meanings are: (1) Giving God, (2) the one who is full of benevolence and who led us as desired - to God, (3) One whose head bows (approves) with Kindness, and (4), One who as led to the head of Kindness. All these are the myths of the legend. He is sometimes equated with Shiva - and the "wine drinking" is the common part to it. Greeks mythology says that this God of theirs came from India, and taught the world farming and how to make wine. In China they have his statue, and on occasions he is also equated with Balaarama, elder brother of Krishna, because of the farming plough carried by Balaarama as his weapon, and the connection with the advent of farming by this God.
Ptolmey - Pat-taal-maya - 'Pat' means 'below', 'tal' means water, and 'atal' means mountain, like Atal Bihari Vajpayee or the Atilla the Great, and maya is indicative of "ness" - like Chita-maya becoming Chinmaya. "Maan", "Mat", "Mant", "Maya" are indicative of Active Present Tense which can be used as Adjective as well as Verbal.
Alexendar - aa + laKS + Inder - The "Agent Noun" for the "Lord who goes towards his Destination or Goal". See the posting LoxDrome.
Pythagoras - Pita-Guru-ah(or s) - Father who is also a Guru or Teacher. It is a well known fact that he had visited the Far Eastern countries of Egypt, Persia, and India, and his famous theorem of Pythagoras is mentioned in the Veda-Angas. He was a vegetarian and practiced philosophies, like other Greek Philosphers, similar to the Hindus. It is a well known and documented fact also that Indians are related to Greeks, and Greeks were some of the early settlers from India, when Persia and India were one. What would explain that today's Modern Tutkey's Antolia Region had once a king called Dasarattha and they found the Pillars with mention of Vedic Gods called Varun, Mitra and Mahesh?
Daniel - Daan-Iyal - One who is kind and giving.
Ulandaka - Name of Shiva.Cuba - Kupa - Hole or Well - "p" and "ph" are same sounds with variations of hard and soft variations. Bermuda is close by.
Ollantaytambo - Ola-aND-aya-yat-amba-oh - The snow egg that comes from or belong to the mother.
It could be "ut-laNGat-yat-ambo" -> "ul-laNata-yat-ambo", that transgressed, maybe astronomically in the zodiac, the mother (earth's). Here the Guttaral N is like the nasal sound in the word "siNG". In Sanskrit there are 5 Nasals, and they are get shunted to "n", "m" or "Ng" sounds.
Interestingly, 'ulaND' means King and is the epithet of Shiva (symbolizes the opposite of the Mother Principle). 'ulaNDaya' is descendant of 'Uland' mentioned in Vedas.
Cusco - Kusco -> (k)Suska -> Shuska -> Shau-shaa(n)ka - Moon. If one takes "Shu-shuk-van", "Shu-shuk-vaan", "Shu-shuk-vat", "Shu-shuk-vant" are same as "Shu-shuk-vamaan", and "Shu-shuk-va-mant", which is below. It means Spelendor, Shining, Brillian, which is the epithet for Sun.
Sacsayhuaman (also known as Saksaq Waman as mentioned before). Saksaq Waman is same as Saksaq Varman, like famouse Indian Music Directors S.D. Burman and R.D. Burman. "Burman" and "Barma" are same as "Varman" and "Varma" - since "B" and "V" are often mixed up and belong to the Labial series of sounds. The word means "Mr. Chosen One or Best Man Chosen".
The country Burma has those roots and the Indian Surname has the same significance. Note the similarity in the features of Inca People and North Eastern People from states like Manipur, Nagaland, Darjling, Mizoram, etc. Look up them on Google Images and see the "similarity" in the features and the handy crafts, specially the skirts, shawls and carpets.
Pachacuti was a poet and author the Sacred Hymns of the Situa city purification ceremony. Notice the picture with "Snake" and "Matted Hair" person which is what Shiva is know for and the word Naga is associated with it. See Sapa
See the temple on the periphery of the Sacsayhuaman fortress includes 11 rooms thought to have held mummies and idols.
Spiral Constructions , Gilgarefaim near Golden Heights, Damascus, Found At Stonehenge, YoniGuni and Peru - The Yoni Principle. Please watch the Frame 2:37 in the video below.
Another picture of Gilgarefaim.
Dasratta - Dasha-ratta - Hittite King
Aristotle - ari-stha-tal - One that levels his opponents to a place, shows them their place. Aristotle to the Western World is known to be the founding father of Dialectics, the art of debating, and is known to be an elocute debator based on logic. What people do not know well is that one of the Indian Philosphies, Naaya Sutraas by Guatama Rishi, also called Enumeration of Logical Steps, laid the founding treatise on Syllogism.In India it was used in the Epistemilogy, the Knowledge for search for the Truth and used in Spiritual Sense.
Socrates - su-karat-i-ah(S) or su-krit-i-ah(S) - One who does well for others, an ethical person, which is what he was know for to lay down the philosphy of ethics, or one who cuts well, a doctor or surgeon.
Atilla The Hun - The leader who led Europe against the Roman Empire. "Atilla" means " Mountain", " Unshakeable", "Un Leveled" or "Un Defeated". The Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihaari Vajpayee has the same first name. Now go and see some movie on Atilla and see what they things they have common with the people of Hindus - which the modern academicians are grudgingly calling "Proto Indo European" Language, Civilization, Culture, and Language.
LikhasiLelikhulu - The word for Scripting in Swali. In Sanskrit, it means "you write what is to be written", or "writing for that has to be written" (note it is like the one below).
RongoRongto - The word for Scripting in Eastern Island Language. In Sanskrit, "RaNG" (like the "ing" sound in "Running") means "to color" or "to iNG (now you can see how the word "ink" has come). There is one rule where the word is repeated to show emphasis or to make some compounds with some combinations of suffixes (to decline, conjugate, etc). If one takes "o" sound as the Genetive or Nominal, and "t" has the suffix for Past or Present Participle, waht is means is "written or writing of (what) is to be written".